
Showing posts from July, 2013

Katniss Everdeen, you ain't got nothing on me!

Do you remember sitting on your parent's knee and listening to the stories of their childhood?  This weekend, instead of being the child listening, I was the parent telling.  My kids were held captive in the car for three hours as we drove up to visit the inlaws, and I started telling them about my 'mis'adventures as a child.  They loved hearing about me as a dumb kid and encouraged me (the dumb adult) to record them on my blog.  I thought it was a great idea!!  I'll break you in slowly so I'll tell you my bow and arrow story.   I spent about 6 years living up in Northern BC in a town called Stewart--"two miles from the Alaskan panhandle" we used to tell people (as if that helped them locate it any easier) where I was surrounded by breathtaking wilderness--huge mountains with permafrost, glaciers, snow from October to late May, and forest.  Lots and lots of forest.  In fact, one was right across my street.  And behind my school.  And o...