Good bye...

...and that, my friends, concludes this blog.

I think yesterday's post is an appropriate way to end it.

I really don't have the time to keep a blog anymore.  My posts aren't as entertaining as they used to be (sometimes I bore myself) and right now it just seems more like a chore than a creative outlet.

I will keep the blog active for awhile until I can find the time to slurp all the posts into a book but I don't think I'll be adding anything new.

Thanks for reading.  Thanks for all the support over the years.  Thanks for listening to the Crazee Chick rant...

See you later....



Julie K. said…
I am sorry to see your blog go.....I will miss it!! I check it almost daily, and am so pleased when there is a new entry. I will look forward to staying in touch with you in person, and seeing you face to face!

Take care and thanks for letting us follow you on your journey, and for being so open and really are funny, and a great writer!
Carmen said…
Good thing I get to see you every week - or else I would be mighty upset... You amuse me Lisa. I am thankful to have you in my life!!
I'm with Carmen, good thing I get to see you almost every DAY!!! or I would be WAY more upset than I already am, the only part that made this bearable was the mention of a book..... which I hope you meant, because as your agent, I am certain that publishers would line up to publish you!!!!! And think of the actresses that would be dying to play you!!! I am thinking........Terri Hatcher!! Don't you just love me! Gonna miss this daily dose of you!
Lisa said…
Terri Hatcher!! Are you kidding me!! I don't like all. I'm thinking...oh, who's the lady that played Maude?...Bea Arthur. Yeah...she'd work!
prashant said…
I will look forward to staying in touch with you in person, and seeing you face to face!
home based data entry
Paige said…
I will miss your posts but completely understand your reasoning to end your blog. Thanks for the laughter and tears! I will look forward to your book! :)
Bea Arthur, get a grip, she's like 90 or something!!! we'll work on something else. Lot's of time. I know you don't really want to end this blog and we just might see you pop up on here once in a while!!

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