Just call me Suzie Homemaker...

The earth stood still today.

No, it wasn't because the planets were aligned.

No, it wasn't because yesterday's date was 10/10/10 (which happens only once every 1000 years)

No, it wasn't because the month of October has 5 Fridays, 5 Saturdays and 5 Sundays, in it which, according to Facebook (and we know how reliable that is),only happens once every 823 years.

No, it was more phenomenal then all of that.

It was because I ironed. Sheets.

Yes, I actually ironed sheets. Now, you need to understand that I only pick up my iron to move it from one location to another. Typically if something needs ironing one of three things happens:

1. it stays wrinkled
2. it hangs in my closet until gravity pulls the wrinkles out over time
3. I go and buy a new item of clothing.

I just don't iron!

So why did I do it today, you may ask? It was my front load washer and dryer's fault. It made Kiki's new bedding so wrinkly that I just could not stand to let my little princess lay her tiny, boney, little body on such rugged terrain as those sheets were.

So I ironed.

And may I say that they didn't look any better when I finished then when I began. Do you want to know why that is? Because, along with my top of the line washer and dryer, I have a nice, heavy, expensive iron that also is a useless piece of doo-doo! At the risk of being shunned, alienated, ridiculed or turned away from the next sale at Wal-Mart, I am going to shout emphatically from the roof tops that I hate front load washers and dryers!

Why? Well, the first reason you already know--they force me to iron things because they twist and tangle material into knotted, wrinkly messes; and the second reason is that I could get my clothes cleaner if I were to take them out to the muddy river and pound them with a rock!


How do you feel about front loading washers and dryers? I've used extra water, extra rinse, and extra soap and still they come out looking like they're fresh out of the laundry bin rather then fresh out of the dryer! Please, any tips you can offer would be much appreciated.

So, admittedly, a Suzie Homemaker, I am not.  I could be called any of the following though:

1. Lisa Laundry-hater
2. Molly Messy
3. Cathy Clutterer

but am working towards being:

1. Darla Declutterer
2. Irene Ironer
3. Ivana CleanHouse
4. Velma Vaccum

but for now I remain,

Freida Frustrated.


tee said…
Priceless! You always make me laugh!
I'm with you, I don't like the front loaders either!! And on another note, I am SO glad you're back!! Hugs!
bulpittzoo said…
I totally hate my front loader too!! Mine stinks all the time too. I've tried everything. Anyway I gotta fun story today for ya. I decided my lazy clothes horse girls could do their own laundry this week. So they put in their last load and forgot it. Not good because my washer gets stinky. Well they needed something out of it that was so important that they dried it anyway. But then FINALLY realized that it was freaking stinky but didn't have time to deal with it. Off they went to school. Along comes the hubby and puts it back into the washer and rewashes it. Doesn't tell anyone and then forgets about it. After the kids got home that night Kaitlyn decided to do laundry. My DH had not put them in the dryer and they were quite dry from sitting in the washer all day. So they were washed for the third time. What a joke...I always have So much laundry and they just keep redoing the same load!!!! Anyway I better actually go make sure that load went into the dryer or it could need washing again!!
Carmen said…
I have never ironed a day in my life. Everything goes to the cleaner's (and he makes a killing off of me!!) OR Marc irons. Yup. You read right. Marc does it. Now, I am intrigued about your front load wahser/dryer comment. I am just doing my research to buy a set. My aunt in Italy on the vineyard had a Miele and it was AMAZING! So that is what I am looking at buying here. Hmmm, but maybe I should hold off... What do you have?
Lisa said…
Hey Carmen, I have the LG Tromm. Honestly, I don't think it's worth the money--doesn't clean very well. I add extra water and do an extra rinse because if I don't then they don't come out clean AND the soap doesn't get rinsed out so the towels start to smell after one use. They're pitiful. Don't know why people keep buying them!

Okay, and may I just say that the fact that YOU don't iron surprises the heck out of me!!
Lisa said…

Try drying out the rubber part before you close the door to the washing machine, or just leave the door ajar all the time. We do that to prevent the smell and it's worked so far.
bulpittzoo said…
Ya I leave the door open all the time. Do all sorts of cleaning ideas and it still stinks!!
I never either!!! Well maybe once a year and then I feel like I should get a Mom of the year award. I think wrinkles fall out (after a while anyway) If an article wrinkles too bad-time to give to the second hand store!
florymonde said…
I loved my front-loader I had in Langley. The one I have now is good, but the cycles take about twice as long.

Maybe you need to set it to a lower spin speed? The fast spin gets most of the water out, but can set wrinkles in susceptible fabrics.

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