Something to chew on during dinner....

Tonight I started a new tradition.  It is my hope that this tradition will happen every Sunday evening at the dinner table where we will encourage conversation, enlightenment, support, love, share our fears, seek guidance, and learn about the world we live in.  Best of all, I hope this tradition will bind us together more closely as a family.  Let me tell you a little bit about what has sparked this idea...

Last week I acquired a game called The Family Dinner Box of Questions.

Essentially it is a box of cards with questions on them intended to encourage conversation during the meal. Some of the questions are:

1. If you could have any wild animal in the whole world as your pet, what would it be?

2. Who is the teacher or coach that inspired you the most, and why?

3. What is your best and worst personality trait?

4. What scares you?

This is a great game because not only does it get your kids talking but it also teaches them about inspiration, personality traits, feelings and philosophy. I highly recommend getting it for your family.

On the dinner table, at each person's plate was one of these cards plus another card from a church game called 'Seek'.  (a great way to teach your family about the scriptures).

Each person posed his/her question and each person took turns answering. We all discovered some great things about each other--had a few great laughs and even some 'ah ha!' moments.

We all really enjoyed the time spent in conversation and enjoyed learning more about one another but, for me, the show stopping moment was in response to this question:

"What do you think is the greatest invention of all time?"

Here were the responses:

1. Mo--"the internet"
2. Kiki--"the lightbulb"
3. Me--"electricity"
4. Hubby--"the wheel"

but this is the one that brought tears to my eyes....

5. Zee--"the earth."

Think about his statement--if Earth hadn't been created, none of us would be here. None of us would have been given the chance to come here to be tested and tried and have the chance to return to live with God.

Oh how our kids teach us when we are least expecting it....

I can't wait until dinner next Sunday so that I can 'feast' on more than just food.


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