
Friday: 9:30am

Just sitting here at Children's Hospital for Kiki's annual cardiology checkup. This moment in time always gives me pause as I reflect on her journey, and as I wait, brutally aware of the fact that I hold my breath and feel my own heart stop beating, for the Cardiologist to tell me that she's doing fine.

Words like congestive heart failure have surfaced in the past so I am anxious at each 'visit' that that phrase will surface again. Today I am especially anxious because Kiki has had a few symptoms that are unusual to her and when I called the cardiology department and described them we got an appointment to see our cardiologist in two weeks as opposed to the regular six months waiting period we usually encounter. *deep breath*

For now, as always, I continue to remind God how thankful we are for this child (attitude and all) and that we are eager to watch her grow into adult hood and become a wife and mother. I figure if I thank Him enough that He'll remember what she means to us and let her continue to stay...

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad


Lisa said…
The left side of Kiki's heart is getting a little thicker than the cardiologist would like. He is ordering an MRI. ARGH!

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