So good!

Back to school...

Something I never thought we'd do again.

But we did it....

And we liked it.

So good.

Great teachers, great kids....great first week.

I'm a mommy again....just a mommy, not a teacher....and I feel....freer.

I've had the opportunity to miss my kids; to be excited to see them; to have a conversation with them about their day; to share; to laugh; to read together. To be 'with' them as I haven't been for a very long while. As a homeschooler I was always with them but rarely 'with' them....quality vs. quantity.

Morgan said she liked the fact that she gets to miss me during the day.

Weird eh?

So good...we are all finding new emotions; new strengths;new refuges and we are all enthusiastic about it!

Woo hoo! (for lack of a better word!)


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