Yes, the PNE is over. Yes, Summer is over. Yes, I am tardy in getting my posts out. Deal. Here are some pix of our day at the PNE. We had a great time and lots of laughs at Zee's expense. He's such a drama queen!
That's us on Crazy Beach Party.  I didn't ride as much as I used to--am getting old; tummy doesn't like; makes brain spinny.   Don't need more of that.

Zee and me on the Tilt a Whirl.  His favorite ride.  I swear the guy running the thing fell asleep (or was stoned out of his tree) because he left us on for over 10 minutes.  Thought I was going to puke!  Even Zee was bored by the end of the ride.

Okay, how funny is this?  Zee is terrified of heights but he decided to try the mini hellevator anyway.  Oh my gosh, the look of terror on his face and his screams had us literally peeing our pants.  So funny!!

Artsy fartsy shot. 

Kiki on the swings.

Squished much?  Love this one--Kiki looks mildly annoyed and Zee looks like he's about to slide right out.  He wouldn't even try to sit up properly.  Good times.

Crazy motorcycle guys doing crazy motorcycle stuff.

The boys wanted candy apples...but not the girls.  Ironic, no?

At the end of a very long day.  

Strangely enough, getting to the PNE was quite a challenge that day.  We had trouble getting tickets online so we had to run all over town trying to get them; then we saw a car accident; and then we had to stop for gas and air in the tires.  We were supposed to be there at 11am but finally arrived after 1pm.  Meh...whatever, we still had fun but were kind of paranoid that maybe all those weird things were a sign that we shouldn't go.  Not exactly a sign you want to ignore when you're going on rides 200 feet in the air and being suspended by a thin chain.  Everything turned out okay however.

We lived to tell the tale....


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