We've got BUTTERFLIES!!!

Big Momma and Launcher were re-born today as butterflies! We didn't see it happen; I checked at around 9:00am and when I checked again at 11:00-ish there they were! It was such an exciting moment. I feel like a proud momma all over again. In this video you will also see 'Twitchy' forming a chrysalis. I thought that they spun a chrysalis but after doing a bit of reading the kids and I learned that they actually split their skin and so the chrysalis seems to form from the inside out. I'll have to learn more about this. So...in the video you can hear us commenting about how he's hula hooping and spinning but in actuality he's splitting. Ick.

After letting the butterflies dry their wings we took one out and hand fed it. What a neat experience to have a butterfly in your hands and then watch as it's proboscis comes out and begins drinking the sugar water. I gave each of the kids a taste of the water (we made a whole cup of it) and Zee loved it (figures eh?) and Kiki thought it was too sweet. Mo just dipped her tongue onto the spoon as if she had a proboscis too. Creative genius, or goof? I dunno!

It's also been an exciting day because Mo played "A Child's Prayer" in Relief Society today and did it perfectly! She's never made it through without mistakes before so I was very nervous for her before she began. The Lord must have wanted her to play that piece today because I'm sure He guided her hands! Another proud momma moment.

Hubbie BBQ'd shish kebabs for dinner tonight and they were amazing. I normally don't really care for food that I have to work off of a stick but this was so tasty that it was worth the effort!

It's been a good day.


Carmen said…
She did a fantastic job of playing that hymn! Totally brought tears to my eyes. Awesome!!

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