Decisions, decisions, decisions...

For the last three years, we have faced decisions about dance. Decisions such as whether to go, whether to stay, and this year....whether to continue.

For the record, just let me make it clear that none of these have ever been easy to make. Year after year we have shed many, many tears trying to do what's best for our girls.

This year is no exception.

After much thinking and praying, we have decided that Mo is going to leave the company team and reduce her dance commitment down to about 4 hours per week. Tap has always been her strength, and her love, so she will continue to dance with the company team in that genre as well as do a tap solo. The rest of the dance hours will be in jazz, jazz tech and a second tap class. She was honored when she was hand picked to be on an elite tap team but has been very mature in having to say goodbye to that honor as well.

I am very proud of my girl. And sad. I will miss seeing her dance. To say that I love watching her leap, jump and spin would be an understatement. My heart sings when I watch her up on stage. Her progress this year was phenomenal so I'd like to say a special thank-you to all her wonderful dance teachers who taught her how to dance with her heart, to feel the music, to use facial expressions to connect with the audience and who helped her jump higher and spin faster than ever! Thank you to you all! And thank you to her former dance teachers who gave her great foundations and great love! You are all a part of our history and we thank you for the piece of you that you gave to us that will stay in our hearts forever!

Thankfully I still have Kiki who will carry the torch and feed my dancing soul with the full complement of dance classes that she will take next year. Kiki is a ball of energy on the stage and she brings joy to my soul when I see her dance. I'll be juuuust fine--no need to prescribe the antidepressants just yet.

So you're probably wondering why we are making these changes.


Blame academia!

As grade 8 approaches so does a heavy course load of french immersion, honors English and honors Math for Mo and so she very maturely decided that she wanted to dedicate more time to her studies. I'm proud of her for that.

Did I mention that I was sad though?

Yeah, I am.

Goodbye to a year of once in a lifetime opportunities--dancing in the Paralympic Opening Ceremonies and at Disneyland and California Adventure Park. Congratulations to Mo and the team for their outstanding performances at competition and all their first place finishes and gold medals. Congratulations to Mo for a very successful year in her tap solo--first and gold (even DIAMOND!) all the way! What a year!

Hello to summer. Hello to time to breathe and time to be bored. Hello to the challenges and hurdles of high school.

Ah Life...always throwing the curve balls.....


Lisa said…
...and how could I forget to say thank you to a great group of girls and boy! for
welcoming Mo to the team with open arms? You are all awesome! Thank you!!

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