Giant Jenga!

Zee loves to play games.

Any game strikes his fancy--strategy games, silly games, electronic games, thinking games and physical games--so besides asking for candy, asking someone to play a game with him is his constant refrain.

It gets a bit annoying actually.  Especially when we've just finished playing with him and immediately upon packing up he utters, "Mom, want to play a game with me?"  Argh!!

I do not like playing games.  I would rather take the kids out somewhere and learn something --like the time we went to the Forensics Lab during Spring Break (THAT was cool!!), or the time where we hiked around Lynn Canyon--but sitting around playing a game that inevitably ends up in sqwaking and squealing between siblings is NOT an enjoyable time for me.  Other than New Year's Eve, which is our designated 'play-games-for 100 hours' event, games are not my first choice.

However, every once in awhile I break down and give in to that adorable little face that asks, for the 100th time...

"Mommy, wanna play a game with me?"

So, on this night we played Jenga and built the biggest tower I've ever seen!  We were the masters of the Jenga Universe!  Pictures don't really do it justice but here's our masterpiece.

An architectural wonder

And it all comes tumbling down...


Carmen said…
At least you are the good momma and give in. I too cannot stand games and I always say NO. My kids have stopped asking me. They ask and play with Marc now. Everyone is happier all around.
Anonymous said…
Oooh, oooh, the Forensics Lab during Spring Break! That was so much fun! That wall of body parts in the autopsy lab was creepy and awesome... ~M~

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