Thank you, Sunday

Oh how I laid in bed this morning trying to find reasons to justify why I should skip church and just sleep in.

"Zee has a cough."

"Kiki didn't get to sleep until after midnight."

"Mo's looked so exhausted lately."

"I deserve it."

But the better part of me knew where I needed to be this morning; at church, worshiping the Lord who makes all things possible. The health of my family, the wonderful week I've had in my business (actually, the whole year has been amazing), the loving relationship I have with my husband, the food on our table--all these things come from the love of our Heavenly Father, and how selfish am I to want to remain in bed because it's comfortable? How ungrateful am I to say that I am too tired to make the effort to get cleaned up, drive 5 minutes to the church, and sing praises and spend 3 hours re-connecting and re-committing to Him?

Church was where I needed to be this morning and I'm so grateful that I went. My soul was lifted, my compass was re-set, my focus was, well, refocused, and my priorities were set back into the correct order.

I have been ignoring many things these past 12 months, not least of all was my relationship with the Lord. I have put my testimony, my service, my compassion, my calling, my commitment to my family and my scripture study into the furthest part of my mind. My temple attendance has not been what it should be considering that this holy building is virtually in my front yard. What's dumb about this is that I've done this before: it seems like the one thing I let go of first, every time I get busy, is the one anchor I should cling to the most--God.


I think that it's because it's easy. God isn't there reminding us to pay attention to Him or to build our relationship with Him. He isn't the call on the phone in the middle of the day with a request to talk to Him in prayer. He isn't in the empty kitchen pantry imploring us to fill it with food. He isn't in the empty gas tank on our car. He isn't in the school functions, the dance competitions, or the sale of the next house.

Or is He?

Yes, He is. He is everywhere and is in everything and once we realize, remember and make a concerted effort to see that then we are at one with Him and recognize, worship and revere Him in every single thing we do and say throughout our day.

It's easy when the sun is shining and the magestic mountains are adorned with their crowns of white to 'see' God in the beauty that surrounds us, but we (meaning: I) need to look deeper and be more cognizant of Him in the regular, mundane things of life such as the empty pantry, the carpool, the business matter, the phone call...

For He is LOVE and He is everywhere.

Thank you, Sunday, for being a day of rest, reflection and a day designated for the worship of the Eternal and Everlasting God.


Shannon Lanlois said…
Thanks for this Lisa, you have remotivated me. I too lay in bed Sunday mornings and make excuses as to why I cant possibly make it to Sacrament meeting! Lets me and you make a date a go to the temple together we live so close.
love you
Lisa said…
Absolutely, Shannon--mornings are best for me. How about you?
Lori said…
Lisa, That was the best writing from you that I could read! Thanks for the inspiration that you are to me. Love you!
Lisa said…
Thanks Lore, I love you!

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