...and that, my friends, concludes this blog. I think yesterday's post is an appropriate way to end it. I really don't have the time to keep a blog anymore. My posts aren't as entertaining as they used to be (sometimes I bore myself) and right now it just seems more like a chore than a creative outlet. I will keep the blog active for awhile until I can find the time to slurp all the posts into a book but I don't think I'll be adding anything new. Thanks for reading. Thanks for all the support over the years. Thanks for listening to the Crazee Chick rant... See you later.... Lisa
You know those little quirks that you keep secret from your friends because you think they're too weird to share? Well, the other day I got this email from Miss K and as I read it it became obvious that someone broke into my mind while I was sleeping and recorded all my quirky thoughts because it's too much of a coincidence to think that someone else out there might be as weird as me! What I want to know is...who got into my brain, how'd they get there, and where'd they find the pen and paper to write this all down? For your reading pleasure, I present: ( I the ones in bold are my heck-yeahs!) 1. I think part of a best friend's job should be to immediately clear your computer history if you die. 2. Nothing sucks more than that moment during an argument when you realize you're wrong. 3. I totally take back all those times I didn't want to nap when I was younger. 4. There is great need for a sarcasm font. 5. Really, how ARE you supposed to fold a...
Yes I am. By you! Yes, you are reading my blog. And, apparently, you're not the only one. There are others! I'm so excited I could literally vomit. (I'm sure there's an expression that's more appropriate and less disgusting but I can't think of one!) I'll bet the discovery of life on Mars would not be as exciting to me as knowing that someone is reading my blog!! (I'm extremely ego-centric in case you hadn't guessed) Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU for reading my meanderings, my muses, my ramblings... I feel validated. Someone asked me why I write this blog. The truth? I'm an attention seeker...I just want people to notice me. Nothing else. No urge to write...no desire to express myself in the written form...no compulsion to record my life story for my progeny. Nope. Just want people to notice me. That's it. You noticed! Thanks tons! I totally appreciate your 'readership! Hugs, Me PS. Don't be afraid to leave a comment...remem...