Forty-one reasons to be grateful....

I celebrated my 41st birthday on Sunday, and I thought I would take this opportunity to record the forty-one things in my life for which I am the most grateful. This list is not in any particular order (except for the first five which are all of equal importance to me...they are all in my numero uno spot!) :

1. I am grateful for a loving husband who supports me in all my endeavors and encourages me to be my best.

2. I am grateful for my wonderful children who are three of the greatest blessings of my life.

3. I am grateful for my parents who have instilled in me a sense of values, have given me unconditional love and who provided me with an open-minded approach to living.

4. I am grateful to be a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

5. I am grateful to have a Lord and Redeemer in Jesus Christ.

6. I am grateful to be in better physical shape than I was last year at this time.

7. I am grateful for all the new friends I have made this year, and for all the old ones that I have found and/or kept.

8. I am grateful to have the opportunity to homeschool my kiddies

9. I am grateful that I love to read.

10. I am grateful to have people in my life that inspire me.

11. I am grateful to have challenges, because it is through these that we grow emotionally, spiritually and physically stronger.

12. I am grateful to have a testimony.

13. I am grateful for Euphoria Chocolates!

14. I am grateful for stretch denim (probably necessary because of the Euphoria Chocolates)

15. I am grateful to have a warm bed at night and a roof over my head.

16. I am grateful to live in a free country that allows me to speak, worship and believe as I may.

17. I am grateful that I can ride a bicycle because with gas prices being as inflated as they are I will soon be using this form of transportation a lot more.

18. I am grateful for smiles, because seeing my kids smile makes even the grumpiest days seem better.

19. I am grateful for flannel pajamas.

20. I am grateful for the time of day when I get to relax with a good book and a hot bath.

21. I am grateful for the sunshine that not only warms my body but also my soul.

22. I am grateful for the little things.

23. I am grateful for the computer and the internet because it opens up a world of information, organization, entertainment and relaxation for me.

24. I am grateful for the library.

25. I am grateful for my health.

26. I am grateful to be able to be forgiven for my sins.

27. I am grateful to have a university education.

28. I am grateful to be a stay at home mom.

29. I am grateful for my husband's and children's health.

30. I am grateful that I don't live on Mercury (too hot), Venus (too smelly), Mars (too cold) or Jupiter (too windy).

31. I am grateful for my siblings, their spouses, my nieces and nephews AND my great nieces and nephews.

32. I am grateful to still be married after almost 17 years.

33. I am grateful that I married my high school sweetheart...can't imagine life with anyone else!

34. I am grateful to be able to go out with 'the girls' occasionally now.

35. I am grateful that I was able to nurse all three of my children without difficulty.

36. I am grateful for people that continue to love me despite my quirkiness and my faults.

37. I am grateful that I don't have to be alone in this life.

38. I am grateful for knowing the difference between right and wrong.

39. I am grateful for chocolate cake, hot chocolate, chocolate icing....anything chocolate.

40. I am grateful that I made it through 90 days (almost) of P90x!

41. I am grateful that I made it to the end of this list...


42. I am grateful that my hubby didn't get hurt when the glass patio table shattered ....


Carmen said…
Well, I am grateful to have a great friend like you in my life!! Thanks for sharing Lisa! And a very VERY happy belated birthday to you!! I wanted to say that to you on Sunday, but with my lesson and all, I was in my own little world. I really despise teaching and speaking in public... Gee, I don't remember anywhere in my baptismal covenants agreeing to this... ha ha

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