My life in pictures---Coming Soon! (Needed: a life)

Everyday I am cognizant of fun or amusing things that I see, hear, taste (?), that I can blog about and believe me, I've had tons of them lately but I can't blog about them because....

well, honestly...

I forget them all by the time I have a moment to update my blog! (Yes, I's a very sad thing this brain plasticity)

So, in an effort to remember things (and consequently BLOG about them)and increase my photography skills, I am going to start carrying my camera everywhere with me and documenting my day.

And you, dear reader, will benefit from this in ways you've never imagined.'ve never imagined you could be:

so bored
so unimpressed with my photography
so apathetic
so disgusted by my ego-centrism
so willing to eat your own used socks...

Yeah. Me too.

We'll share my boring life together.

Thanks for tuning in...

See ya soon--with PICTURES!!


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