New Babies....

We got our butterfly larvae yesterday--more than 30 of them! The kids named them all: there's Superfly, Launcher, Caddie (as in Woodlawn), Sunshine, Marigold, Artist, Petunia, Mona Lisa (because they're Painted Ladies), Big Momma (the fat one), Einstein, Cookie, and Chocolate Chip to name a few. We had a bit of work to do after receiving them: we had to mix their food, transfer them from the 'communal living quarters' via paintbrush into their own 'condominiums' and then punch multiple airholes into the lids so they can breathe. Of course the kids want to keep picking them up and letting them crawl all over their hands but I'm not letting them (only allowed it in one instance for picture taking purposes) because I'm not sure what impact it will have on their metamorphosis. The kids are observing and diarizing the growth, the eating, and waking habits (do they sleep?) of the caterpillars each day. I'm so excited that they will be able to see the metamorphosis first hand...not just by reading it in a book! Yeah!


Carmen said…
Lisa, you KNOW I totally love you, but you are crazy girl! Seriously crazy. hee hee
Lisa said…
Yeah, I have to agree with that assesment Carmen...I am totally nutso!

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