Umm....what was I saying? olde toothe fairie might have overdone it. She left $10.00 and by all the reactions we've had today over that amount I'm preeeeety sure it was too much! Why was I so far off base? It's not like I haven't had other children who recently have lost their teeth. Mackenzie even reminded me today (although I'm sure she's terribly mistaken) that not only did the tooth fairy not give her any big amount of money for her first tooth, that apparently the hag did not leave her ANY MONEY for the first 8 teeth!!! I totally beg to differ but she's adamant about it. And she's hardly ever wrong.

So anyway, I feel like a grandma or something that's totally out of touch. Weird, 'cause my babes are still losing teeth...all of them!! I (oops, I mean ye olde toothe fairie) should be a little more used to the game, you know...with the tour; along for the journey; seen that bag of tricks etc.

But apparently...I've (I mean 'she's' ) forgotten.

Wow...hope this isn't an early form of senility.

What if I start to forget other things? Like...which car is mine and I accidentally try to get into some hot Mercedes? Or...that I DON'T have a Coach/Prada/Hermes bag and I accidentally take someone else's? Or...heaven forbid...I forget I'm allergic to seafood and start snarfing away on caviar (like that's ever going to be a possibility). I'm just saying....

If you see my kids wandering around the store without me, it's possible I've forgotten I hve any and have simply left the store without them. If you find them, please return them to my house immediately where, upon receipt of them, I will immediately accuse you of kidnapping (because I will have obviously forgotten your face) and will run screaming to the phone to call for police support.

Now...what IS that emergency number again? 822? 733? 119?


Carmen said…
Wow - I am going to start pulling out some of my teeth if the tooth fairy is going to leave $10! Yeehaw!! ha ha
Anonymous said…
My girlfriend told me the story to pass on to the kids when there is a "discrepancy" in tooth funds. It goes like this, "The tooth fairy starts out with the same amount of money each night. If lots of kids have lost their teeth then each one gets a little bit less, if not many kids lost teeth then they get a bit more than usual." It has worked in our house during times when there is limited choice of denomination in the wallet at 11:00 pm.
Anonymous said…
By the way, I am anonymous. Couldn't be bothered to work through the login choices.


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