Play ball!

A boy.

A sunny day.

A camera...

and a baseball game.

And to top it all off, the final game of the first round of the Stanley cup playoffs and the CANUCKS took it!!  (oh yeah, this post is supposed to be about ma boy...)


I love foot shots

Wondering what that bright thing in the sky is.

Serious feet; ready for play.

Uncaptured ball...rolling to freedom....

"Come 'ere you slippery little sucker."

"Lookin' so good!  Gonna catch this one!"

"Crap, I missed"

Waiting for the big hit....


Gonna catch this one!  What the heck is that landing on my toe?

Pop fly!

Big league hit--pile drive straight down the middle!  Awesome hit!!

Feet ready to leave first base...


Feel the tension.

Flying to second

Casually waiting to take it home.

Bringing in a run.


"Phew, nothing fell off during that last play..."


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