That comfortable, old shoe...

You know those old shoes that you have? The ones that you love because they fit just right? The ones that make you feel like a million bucks? The ones that you love to walk in or dance in? The ones you want to wear 'just because?' You know the ones....I'll bet you can even picture them right now.

Why am I talking about old shoes? Because, at the risk of sounding crass, that's what my best friend is like for me. She's like an old pair of shoes. Life with our families takes up much of our time and we don't get to see each other like we used to, but like a pair of shoes, I always know that she'll be there. When time gives us a chance, I walk to my 'shelf' and I take down my shoes and they're as they've always been; comfortable, a good fit, and holding many memories. I've danced with these shoes, I've cried while wearing them, I've walked in them, I've gone through pregnancies with them, I've watched my baby struggle to survive in them, I've worn them to baptisms and cried with my friend as she realizes her babies were growing up, I've worn them while her son passed the sacrament for the first time and again, shared the tears of joy and pride with her. These shoes have been with me for almost 10 years. I don't take them for granted. I know what kind of fit they are, I know how much I love them, I know all the memories I've experienced in them are greater than gold. I know that...I just wish I knew how to stop time from passing so quickly so that I could put those shoes on more often.

Lori, I love are the sister I never had. I know you are my eternal sister and I'm so grateful for that. Thanks girlie, for being the best damn shoe a girl could ask for!!

Here are a couple pictures of 'my shoe's' kids (and mine). They have been friends since birth (with the exception of the elder two, who met when they were 3 years old and 11 months old) and I can see a 'shoe' thing happening for them too. They fit...they love each other...they're comfortable....

Shoes are such good things!

Wishing you all a good life...and a darn good shoe,
Love Lisa


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