Beautiful sunshine

It's a good thing sunshine is free otherwise I'd have a huge bill to pay for the cost of enjoying it as much as I have the last couple of days.

If it could just stay like this for the summer I'd be ready to face the yucky, rainy, and now increasinly snowy, winter. I'd like it to stay just this temperature too (maybe just a TAD cooler) and not get any hotter. The way it is right now is just perfect...warm enough to sit out in the evening with the delightful bonus of 'mosquito-less-ness.' (It is SO a word! Check it out in the dikshunery. Sheesh, why you would doubt me on this I am unsure...however...I digress)

You know what else is perfect about this weather? The heat makes it totally justifiable to have some Fudgesicle ice cream at 10:00 o'clock at night. And that's just what I'm going to do.

I'm going to eat it right out of the container...

Thanks Mr. Sun for all the joy (and cold treats) you bring into my little world!


Carmen said…
Oh, so I assume you did not read my blog post re: I despise the heat? So, to reiterate - I hate the heat. And if it does stay all summer, then I will not. ;]

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