June is a blur!

I wanted to blog about the busy-ness of June but I found that I really couldn't schedule it in until July.

I think I'd like to talk to the 'big boss' about June. Why does everything need to 'wrap up' in this month?





My calendar is so packed that I can barely read it. And, as far as knowing what 'number' we are on (June 10? Maybe? Am I close?) I'm totally hooped. I just function from one activity to the next and count the days in between to keep me on track.

For example:

Today: Staff Appreciation Lunch; sell pictures at the studio
Tomorrow: Swimming ; visit a sick friend in the hospital
2 days later: Our friend's dance recital
The day after: Our dance recital
The next day: Ditto the day before
The next day: Piano recital
After that: Parent Appreciation Lunch
Soon: Sew "Little House on the Prairie" dress/es (needs 3 of them!!!) for Trek in early July
Before that: get sleeping bags and lifejackets borrowed/organized/arranged for our trip to Critter Cove
Way Before That and around the time of '2 Days Later' (listed above): be double booked for school functions: Kindergarten Tea and Reader's Theatre. Attend both...simultaneously.
A little after that but soon: either purchase or contribute money towards Teachers' year end gifts. Remember to give money to kids to give to the 'collecting parent.

It's a strange and very inefficient time management program that I have. I usually forget to do something on my 'list' almost daily. Like...pick up a kid from dance/ball/the looney bin (you fill in the blank), or forget to take the chlorine laden bathing suit out of the towel it's wrapped in so that it bleaches the brown towel a strange orange color, or...forget to buy groceries to feed the family.

I need a personal assistant.

Anyone want the job?

I need you immediately but can't probably interview you until.....August?!


Carmen said…
Welcome to my life - and add 30 hours a week in a law firm on top of that, and two birthday parties for Bella (a party for 10 girls and then a party for 25 family members), and Taekwondo mid-terms for Ethan who JUST got his black belt, but is ready for midterms, and then maybe we can talk... Although, I am super organized and anal and nothing falls through the cracks, but come the end of the day, I feel like I have run a marathon only to start all over again at 6am the next morning...

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