Is I Dead Yet?

I feel like I'm dead.

But I can't be because...

I can still feel pain.

Ugh, my poor toes and feet are KILLING me from our run this afternoon.

Today we started Week 3 of training and today's run was 3 minutes run/2 minutes walk; repeat 10 times for a total of 50 minutes. Count the walk there and the walk back (we affectionately call it warm up and cool down) and we've spent over 60 minutes in motion!

May I remind you of my couch-potatoe-ness?! 60 minutes!!! Moving about!!! Me!!

This is HARD for me; I can't breathe for most of the time and my butt muscles (yes, I do know that the proper name for them is gluteus maximus, an unfortunately accurate name for my derriere---the maximus part) feel like they are an inch long and that they're about to snap at a moment's notice. Combine that with knees that are about to buckle, fingers that are swollen to the size of sausages, and thighs that are praying for relief and you've pretty much summed up my running experience.

I keep waiting for the 'runners high'...

It alludes me; it's the proverbial carrot towards which I run....

So far it's all pain and no gain....

One day I'll look back on this little 3 minute run/2 minute walk thing and will laugh at how I complained about this 'baby step' on the road to tri-athletism, but for now I will not laugh...

Because I can not move my facial muscles.

They are frozen into a permanent grimace every time I walk on my bruised toes.

Wow...this whole exercise thing is FUN! (yeah, in a sado-masochistic kind of way.)


I'm pretty sure I'm dead...


Debbie Jo said…
I'd love to experience the "Runners High". I have heard that it becomes very addicting, and I have NEVER seen a runner that is less-than-perfect. So I see the benefits TOTALLY outweigh the pain. You are gorgeous, and will totally kick butt on pavement!!

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