Just the facts....

Do you remember the show called Dragnet? If you're a spring chicken (in your 40's), then you might actually remember the movie better. I think Dan Ackroyd and Tom Hanks were in it. Do you remember the line, "Just the facts, ma'am?" That's what this blog is going to be today...just the facts.

1. On Tuesday, I made a spontaneous trip to visit my parents who live 4 hours away by airplane. We booked the flight at 11:30 am, and my flight departed at 2:30pm OF THE SAME DAY! I've never done that! I was so worried about my sick mommy, and Hubby insisted that I go see her (isn't he a sweetie?) and he stayed behind with the kids during his week off of work. I'm not sure how to repay him for this(although I'm pretty sure he's got an idea) but I'm so glad that he encouraged me to go. It was great to see my parents but it was hard to watch my mom struggle and to see how much her energy level has decreased. She said that the woman she was 8 months ago is not the same woman she is today and, unfortunately, I have to agree with her. We all hope and pray that the doctors can help her and that she'll be back to herself soon!

2. Hubby and I ran 7 Km on Sunday!!! We just started week 6 and are loving it. It's amazing how exercising changes your whole outlook on life. Now we are lifting weights, soon we'll be swimming, and while the kids are in school I plan to run any errands by using my bike rather than my vehicle. Not only am I going to reduce my carbon footprint but I'm going to get into shape as well!

3. The kidlets are heading off to school tomorrow. I will miss them and all the wonderful activities we had this summer. They are eager to get back to school and see their friends. This is the first year that all of my kids will be in full time school! It's going to be very strange! I've got one working her way out of elementary school, and one just starting! So weird.

4. I've got no more to say. Quick, somebody call the Guiness Book of World Records!

5. Oh yeah, one more thing. I finished reading "My Sister's Keeper"--what a wonderful novel!! Loved it!!

6. Okay...now I'm done.

7. Really.


Debbie Jo said…
I love reading about your running!!! What program are you on?! I really need to kick my fat burning up a notch...my muscles are forming well with P90X, but I need the fat to melt off!
Lisa said…
Look up: The Beginning Runner's Training Handbook by Ian MacNeill on Amazon.com.

I'm loving the running program. It's gross while I'm doing it but it has so many other benefits that it's worth the torture!!!
Anonymous said…
You have such a cute blog! it's creative and fun to read. Good luck with the kids going back to school!

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