There's a reason I named my blog Crazee Chick...

Nut Job.

Fruit Loop.

Nut Ball.

No, these are not references to my culinary prowess. Nor are they references to my nut allergies or my affinity for colorful circular cereal.

These are references to ME! By my so-called FRIENDS! (with friends like these, who needs enemies?)

Fruit Loop.

Nut ball

Unfortunately, they are pretty accurate descriptions of me. Yes, I am goofy, spinny and even though I am blond from the bottle, the ditzy-ness is all natural! I'll let you in on a little secret about me though, as nutz as I am and as 'eccentric' (that was another word I got today which, I'll admit, surprised the crap out of me), I really am quite shy and introverted.

Yes, you read that right; I am shy! I really would like to just blend into the crowd.

I would actually like to sit back and listen to a conversation go down without adding my two cents, but it never happens. Someone inevitably says something that pushes my 'goofy' button and before I know it I'm rolling around on the floor re-creating Madonna's 'Like a Virgin' video. Before I go out into public I always give myself a little lecture: 'behave yourself; don't speak unless spoken to; discuss politics rather than sex (ah, but that is SUCH a fine line these days); talk about medical periodicals and scientific journals that you've read (not!) rather than the latest tabloid (Angelina and Brad? Really?!). But, once I get around people,I'm like that car crash at the side of the know you shouldn't look but you just can't help yourself. That's my inner turmoil. I KNOW I shouldn't say the thing that's on the tip of my tongue but I JUST CAN'T HELP MYSELF. People say I'm FUNNY; I just don't know if they mean FUNNY: HA, HA...or FUNNY: STRANGE.

So if you're just getting to know me, be careful, because I have magic powers. With only the use of words, I can get you to curl the corners of your mouth into a smile, furrow your brow, raise one eyebrow in a punitive manner and I can cause you to walk away. Impressive isn't it?!

I should come with a warning label:

'Please take with a grain of salt'

'See no Lisa, Hear no Lisa, Do no Lisa'

'Enter, into conversation, at your own risk.'

'Warning: lights on but no-one at home.'

'Hanging around with Lisa could be hazardous to your health'

'Yield to Frivolity.'

If you still chose to hang out with me, don't say I didn't warn you....

Being my friend does come with perks though:

You'll never be the brunt of a joke when you're with me.

You'll usually have some story to tell your family when you get home from our 'date.'

I'm a good role model of a bad example.

I'll always stick my foot in my mouth thus preventing you from ever having to do it.

I'll love you forever...


Amanda said…
Oh Lisa...I still remember some RS activity we were at..not sure who's hosue but I remember you telling us the story of trying to get pregnant and the funny head stands you would do. Funny now that I think about it I think you were pregnant and did not know it yet! I love your sense of humour and the things yyou are willing to talk much fun!!!!
Lisa said…
Oh man, Amanda! I am such an open book ,aren't I? Yes, I'm pretty sure I was pregnant with Zee at the time but you're right, I didn't know it. I'm pretty sure it was at Bullocks house for Linda and Nico's baby shower. Isn't it funny that you remember that story (and I didn't) but that I remember where it happened? Together we have complete memories...that's what makes friendships so special!
I have to correct you my dear - the endearing term I used was "nutbar!!"
And.... I ALWAYS have something to tell my family after I have been with you. I would truly like to see you re-create the "Like a Virgin" video, and I love you too!!! I am so grateful that we have been brought together!!One of those friendships that bonds quickly and lasts forever!
Julie K. said…
You are hillarious. I love reading your blog. I often laugh. And I check your blog, almost daily, so I was pleasantly surprised to see and read all of your recent entries! And that is a great picture....where on earth did you find that?

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