A new challenge....

Today's Relief Society lesson was so inspirational. It was about gaining power through reading the scriptures: power to overcome temptations; power to strengthen our commitment to the Gospel; power to become better. I am guilty of not reading my scriptures and therefore am out of power (just like a battery...which is exactly how I feel most days )

Everyday I immerse myself in reading: I read novels; history; self help books, and the classics all in an attempt to become a learned individual. I am really an idiot because I am not reading the books that are the most influential, the ones that are the manual of life....the scriptures.

I have taken on a challenge, and will also be involving my children, to read the scriptures everyday without fail for 100 days. After 21 days it will be a habit and I hope that once I (and my family) surpass the 100 day mark that we will come to feel as if we are undressed if we have not put on the armor of God on a daily basis.

Looking forward to the journey....


Carmen said…
I came home and felt the same thing! I was totally moved by Mary's lesson and her admonition was directed at me. I soooo don't read the scriptures daily. I never have, and my cup runneth empty. So this morning I pulled them out and got in two chapters. 21 days to make a habit. I am aiming for this habit!

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