Socrates and haiku...
The book I am reading called The Socrates Way encourages the writing of haiku to encourage self knowledge, enlightenment and to promote deep thinking, so periodically I will be sprinkling my haiku talents ( talents? ahem, cough, cough) amongst my blog.
Today my son is talking non-stop (and I mean NON STOP!) and there is a considerable amount of tension and kids hollering at one another in my home. Now that you know the basis for my it is:
Today my son is talking non-stop (and I mean NON STOP!) and there is a considerable amount of tension and kids hollering at one another in my home. Now that you know the basis for my it is:
Words like rivers,
tumble, rage, and flow
from mouth to mouth.
Critique: Not sure if I am anymore enlightened as a result of my haiku journey. Maybe a nice hot rock massage at the spa with some pan flute zen musique would have been more successful.
Or maybe some chocolate...
I'm just sayin'...