Don't Answer the Door...

There's a knock at the door.

Don't answer it; it's that indiscriminate and inconsiderate Mrs. F. Lu Bug again.

I know it's been awhile since she's come a callin' but like her friend, Auntie Flo, she's not a welcome visitor.

She usually brings something, that's true, but we really are not fond of her gifts. I'm sure she gives coughs, runny noses and body aches with the best of intentions but her need to do a little perhaps, market research, into what people really want is evident. Bring cookies, chocolate, gold even and then I'm sure we'd be much more willing to open the door.

I should have known she was coming. Mr. Cough usually preceeds her visit and he's been here, lurking about and quietly making his presence known, for about a week. He even caused us to miss dance class. Nasty man. Doesn't he know that competitions are coming up? Miss Fever and Mrs. Unreasonable have also been by.

Too many visitors.

For now, Mrs. F. Lu Bug has holed up in Mo's room, along with Miss Fever, Cousin Chills and Cousin Grouchy. They're having a little party in there...a little pillow fight...and they keep hitting Mo in the back.

Time to seek comfort from Captain Ibuprofen, Comfy Blankie, Madame Hot Chocolate and Monsieur Mattress and of course, a little bit of Momma Luv. I really hope Mr. Pukey Bowl will stay locked up in his cage.

I wonder which other family member these unwelcome guests will grace with their presence?

Kiki, Zee, Hubby....DON'T ANSWER THE DOOR!!!


Carmen said…
Definitely NOT a welcomed visitor. Oh, and don't go suggesting she come and visit us. No room at this inn!! Hope Mo is feeling better! Hugs to her.

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