Sniff, Sniff...

My Mommy and Daddy went home today.

I cried.

It's been a long time since I've cried when my parents left. It's not that I don't love them or dread their leaving, it's that I know if I start to cry that I will sob uncontrollably and then my parents will follow suit and it'll all just be too tragic.

We just make our goodbyes very brief and kind of if they are just heading to the mall for the day. It's easier that way.

It's called :Defense to Freud about it. He knows.

Anyway, so they're gone and with them goes my gratitude, my love, my respect, my awe, and yes, a big piece of my heart.

These are two of the most generous and caring people you will ever meet. They literally give the shirts off their back. My poor mom hobbled around my kitchen day after day knowing full well that doing her task would leave her in horrible pain and practically immobile for the rest of the night. I dreaded watching her struggle and wished I could take away her pain. It was so great to have mom's cooking again; just like when I was a little kid.

My dad literally ran his tail off. He was either taking the kids to school, retrieving the kids from school, driving them to dance, picking up groceries or, when I started to get better and in need of a little outing, he'd watch Zee for me so that mom and I could have some 'girl time.' Each day Dad would make the kids' beds and arrange their stuffed animals in all sorts of positions. Sometimes they'd be having a picnic; other times playing see saw and one time, he even had them hanging over the bed with a rope in their 'hands' trying to rescue a comrade who had fallen off the 'cliff!' Coming home to see what Grandpa had done to her stuffies was one of the highlights of Mo's day!

True, pure, unconditional love. That's what my parents have for their children, their grandchildren and their great-grandchildren. How fortunate we are!

How priveleged I am to have such amazing role models.

Mom and Dad, I love you...more than you could possibly imagine. You are everything I aspire to be. Thank you for your gifts of love. May you be blessed in innumerable ways for your caring, for your sacrifice and for selflessness. I love you.


Frieda Wedel said…
Lisa, you are so blessed to still have your parents. My mom has been gone almost 23 years and my dad almost 9. I miss them and wish I could share some of my life with them. You are blessed!
Lisa said…

I can't imagine how hard that must be. I'm jealous of my older brothers...they're in their 50's and still have Mom and Dad. I may be lucky enough to have them still when I'm in my 50's...I sure hope so!
Carmen said…
Your parents are super awesome! I am very happy for you that they were able to come and be with you while you recovered. And I am very happy for the kids that they had grandma and grandpa with them. That is what family is all about. Love it.
Gail said…
Awww...I want someone to arrange stuffies in my room after they make my bed!! What awesome parents you have Lisa!

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