So desperate for snow....

Argh!  We want some snow so badly....

Is there any snow in those clouds?

Why yes, yes there is.... but not much.
Still, snow is snow and any laying on the ground justifies the making of a snow angel. 

There's even enough snow to coat the coat...and the sweats, but not enough to require snow boots.

Kiki tries to make a snowball but all she got was a snow dust.

Mo tried to slide on the slippery surface but it wasn't nearly slippery enough.  Zee tried to chuck a snowdust at her.

A barefooted Zee jumping on the backyard trampoline. Wow, it's just covered in snow! (insert sarcasm here)

Bouncing on a snow covered trampoline in barefeet is very painful as Zee quickly learned.  I'm sure I'll never have to try to convince him again that I know what I'm talking about when I say to wear shoes in the snow.

"Ouch Mom, my feet hurt sooo bad!"

 Well Mr. Snow, that's enough of a teaser...let's have a real good dump now.   Make it enough that we justifiably have to don our mitts, gloves, touques (or as I learned from my Black Friday trip, Americans call them 'stocking caps') and, of course, as Zee will concede...our snow boots!

Let's go Mr. Snow!

Bring it!!


Carmen said…
BITE YOUR TONGUE!! No thank you. Not so much fun when you have to drive to work in it OR cross the bridge and work in Coquitlam which is ALL hills... Or drive your kids to school which is 20 minutes away from us = not a chance for them to ever walk to school - AND is at the BOTTOM of a steep hill... No.

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