Word of the day...

Yeah, I'm breaking my rule.  But only for a moment.

Learned a new word today.

Actually, I re-learned it.  I read it a couple of years ago, found the definition and then used it three times in a sentence and thought it was mine forever.  Apparently not because when I saw it today it was like, 'hmm, I recognize THAT word.  Isn't that the one that was supposed to be mine forever?  Where's it been all this time?  Haven't I had a time when I could have used that?'  (as you can see, I ask a lot of questions of myself, which really doesn't mean I'm crazee or anything.  Unless I answer back.  Which I often do.  So, I guess you know what that means....)

Ugh...digressing already and I'm only on my first post of 2010 (okay, technically my 2nd post because the first was telling you how I wasn't going to be on here anymore.  Which, we all knew, wasn't going to last long.)

Ugh...digressing again.

And, no, for your information, the word of the day is NOT 'digressing!'   Thought you had me there didn't you?

Okay, so...the word is...dum, dum, dum..


What do you think it means?

The dictionary says....

Pronunciation: \ˈspē-shəs\
Function: adjective
Etymology: Middle English
Date: 1513
1 obsolete : showy
2 : having deceptive attraction or allure
3 : having a false look of truth or genuinenes

Isn't is wonderful?  It sounds so cool.  It has such a deceptive allure...say it with me...SSSSPEEEESHUS.


Use it three times today in a sentence and it's yours forever.  Supposedly.  Or, you might just recognize it 3 years down the line and say the word out loud and start the love affair all over again like I have.




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