Hi Ho, Hi Ho...

It's off to Disneyland we go!


We've been talking about it for years but now, because Mo and her dance group are going to be performing at Disneyland, we've finally got the impetus we've needed to go!

We like to procrastinate.

I'd tell you all about how bad we are with procrastinating but I'll do it tomorrow.


Okay. Focus. Disneyland!

Did I mention that we're going?!

We are! Finally!

Whoops, besides procrastinating, I also like to repeat myself. Sometimes in different ways, but I always say things more than once. Just to make sure you got it.

Did you?

Get it, that is?

We're going to Disneyland! And we're really excited!!

I sure hope we get to see...

Mickey and his beautiful wife, Minnie:

Nemo and Dory because I speak 'whale' and have short term memory loss so Dory and I are kindred spirits. Did I mention that I like to repeat things? I do! I really feel a connection to Dory.
Wall-E, because there are times when I wish I could just replace my broken body parts with garbage that I have collected over the years, and because, really I love his limited vocabulary. I wish my kids could only say one word. Actually, they do...it's 'MOMMY!" Also, he has the saddest eyes....
And of course, I'd love to see the spawn of Mickey and Minnie, that gorgeous little boy they named Zac. What a piece of perfection he is.
Oh, here he is again. This time he's taking off his shirt. No Zac, I don't think of you in that way. I just think that you're one of the prettiest things I've ever seen (other than that gorgeous wine colored Guess purse that I saw last week!).
Mo, would disagree with me. She thinks that Taylor is the most gorgeous creature to walk the earth. She calls herself Mrs. Lautner. (Dream big, sweetie.) I'm sure we'll probably bump into him in California. Actually, maybe he'll be in the crowd that's watching her dance! I could live with looking at this face across the dinner table for Sunday dinners for the next 20 years or so, so Mo, go ahead and marry him if he asks.
So, yeah, we're going to Disneyland.

And we can't wait!

Woo hoo!!

Oops, did I already tell you that?!


candise said…
PHEW LISA! What is with these hot little pictures on your blog! I think my heart is beating slightly faster after looking at those deliciously young pretty boys, and you KNOW I mean Zac and Taylor and not Mickey or Wall-e, I am anticipating the joke you were going to make about me thinking mickey was hot, so HA! Oh yeah and I am excited you guys are going to D-land! We have been talking about going for the past few years too. I wonder how old the girls will be by the time we finally get there.. how old is Morgan now? We still have a few good years of procrastinating under our belt. Wow this is the longest comment ever, I wonder how long it will let me go. I could keep writing and writing and writing, it seems like forever... and ever...and ever. Wow this is boring even me, and it's my own joke. Ah well. thanks for the exciting blog post, I thoroughly enjoyed looking at it, I mean reading it.
Lisa said…
Candise, you're whacked!

(I like that in a person)
(very much)
Carmen said…
Well it IS the Happiest Place on Earth! That is until you have ridden the Teacups one too many times and the park won't stop spinning and your lunch decides to make a second and third and fourth appearance... Then NOT so happy. Just don't eat too much! hee hee

We are planning on going the last week of December as an added Christmas gift for the kiddies. But that is hush hush for now. Plans are not final yet.
Unknown said…
Hey, Lisa, just dropped by to say hello again. Hello!

Did I say that already? Maybe I said it in whale. Heeelllllooooo...

I don't know your kids but they look like they're the PERFECT ages for Disneyland. People take the super-littles and then spend the day babysitting the stroller.

And my daughter also thinks of Taylor whatsisname as her future husband. So she has some missionary work to do, huh?

(And sadly, my gay-day starts beeping like crazy every time I see young Zac. Time will tell...)

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