Future Bookworm?

The other day Zee told me that he was ready to start a chapter book. Although I disagreed with him and tried to dissuade him, because I didn't want him to feel discouraged if he couldn't accomplish his goal, I looked through our books and gave him a Junie B. Jones.

He started it on Sunday and finished it on Tuesday!

And I think he even caught the jist of it!

I totally have to thank Hooked on Phonics for this moment. He had no interest in reading (well, he is only 5 years old so maybe it was an age thing) until we started that program. He had a great command of the letters and the sounds they make but he wasn't interested in actually stringing the sounds together. When we sat down to the HOP program, he was reading by the end of the first 10 minute lesson and from that point on his reading just took off! It gave him confidence!

So now he's on to novel #2...The Strange Museum....because although he enjoyed Junie B. Jones he thought the chapters weren't long enough.

Okay, deja vu in reverse...I remember being in Gr. 4 and asking a librarian for a chapter book that had SHORT chapters! Isn't it strange that we'd both be preoccupied with chapter length?

I guess us weirdies gotta stick together!


PS. I didn't make him go under the desk...I usually try to lock the kids into a cabinet when they express a desire to read but he's so fast that he got away from me before I could get him.

PPS. You KNOW I'm kidding right?!


Marc said…
That is awesome! Bella is on the cusp - she loves being read to, and she will read along, but she won't read alone. Brenna starts with us next week, I am going to encourage Brenna to get Bella to read to her - maybe it will lead to Bella reading on her own. Ethan, on the other hand, is a machine and his reading comprehension is at a Gr 9 level... Crazy. It's all good!

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