I'm becoming Sinead O'Connor...

All morning I've been singing, "It's been 7 hours and 15 days, since you took your love away" only I'm not thinking about a boy when I sing it, I'm thinking about Facebook!

"It's been 17 hours and 3 days. Since I took your love away...."

I really wasn't missing it until last night, then I got lonely. Maybe it's the events of the last couple of days that are tugging on my 'heart strings' (no pun intended), but I really missed the support and love that I get from my FB family and friends. I've also missed seeing pictures of my great niece and nephews. I MISS MY FAMILY!!!

So, yeah, you guessed it. I'm going back on FB.

With restrictions. In moderation.


Okay back to Sinead. You know how she brought in that whole bald look? I seriously wanted to shave my head back in the 80's. It made sense; I don't have a lot of hair, it always looks weird and it would make the morning routine soooo much faster! Well, Hubby (who was of the lower Boyfriend rank at that time) talked me out of it so I remained living with my crazy Who hair. However, now, 20 something years later, it looks like I'm going to get my wish.

And it's not by choice this time.

My hair is falling out. In massive amounts. My pillow is covered in hair every morning; it looks like I've been sleeping with a Labrador Retreiver. Don't know why. Am concerned.

What could it be? Stress? Delayed reaction to my antibiotics? Old age?

Don't know.

What I do know is this. If I didn't look good enough 20 years ago to shave my head and go bald, I'm certainly not in a better state to do that now at 42. No amount of makeup is going to make my adult acne and my wrinkles fade against my jowls and sagging neck skin. (Ugh, I sound a bit like a turkey!)

You know what 'they' say: When life hands you lemons...

Make lemonade.

...Or squirt someone in the eye. (my personal favorite option)

...Or squeeze it onto your hair and go out in the sun for a couple of hours to get that lovely bleach blonde look.

But I digress...

So, if the hair continues to fall out, I'm going to make a big freakin' batch of lemonade! I'm going to finally get those gorgeous blonde locks I've always wanted. Long, luscious curls halfway down my back! Bring on the wigs! Oh yeah! I'm going to finally have that hair I've always wanted...and it's going to take baldness to achieve it.

Ironic isn't it?

So, Sinead honey, move over, 'cause I'm singing your song now....


candise said…
Oh Lisa, I just LOVE YOU!!! Go Bald baby! I will toilet paper anyone's house who makes fun of your sagging neck skin!
Here's what I say . . . When life hands you lemons, make lemon maringue pie. And then poke life in the eye, rather than squirt it.

Anyway, sometimes life makes the pie for you if you give it the crust and the egg whites.

Just sayin' ;)

Hey, your verifier says Doris. Wasn't Sinead O'Conner's real name Doris? Or at least her nick name. I'm pretty sure.

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