

A powerful, yet insignificant-looking two letter word, that sneakily embeds itself into our thoughts and makes us question our life and the choices we've made along the journey.


The word can cause us pain or pleasure...

What 'if?'

'If' can cause us to stick to the beaten path or to chose the one less traveled.


The other night I had my own experience with an 'if.'

While sitting at the computer night after night, editing and digitally scrapbooking my photos and making videos a few thoughts crossed my mind about my life. The first thought that sneaked in was a negative one where I admonished myself for spending hours enthralled in a pointless pursuit (I'm not making the world a better place, I'm not saving a life, I'm not curing cancer...I'm not even cleaning the toilets!!) and then I came to the conclusion that I obviously had NO LIFE! If I could spend days doing this, neglecting my housework, and yes, as much as I hate to admit it, my kids and hubby (which is ironic since all the pictures are about them), then I truly was missing out on the other things that life has to offer. If I was more ambitious then I'd be out experiencing the world and building my career. If I was more energetic I'd be conquering the physical world: climbing moutains, swimming oceans, biking across the country...that sort of thing. If I was more talented....

The list went on and on.

The second thought that came to my mind was much more forgiving. I came to realize that IF I didn't have a family that I loved, and IF I didn't have any hobbies, and IF I didn't have a strong belief and value system, and IF I didn't have my religion, and IF I didn't believe that families are forever THEN I truly wouldn't have a life.

Those are the IF's I couldn't live without.

Beware of the IF's...don't let them negate the unique person you are. Embrace your talents, your loves, your family and don't worry about measuring up to anyone else.

Examine only this 'if': If you are happy, healthy, and you have love in your life, then you have everything. And don't let anyone (including yourself) tell you anything different!


PS. I absolutely could not get the video that inspired this post to load. I tried Blogger (it processed all night to no avail), YouTube (it wouldn't play the audio because it wasn't 'authorized') and finally had some success with Facebook but wasn't able to use the 'embed' option that FB allows. So anyway, if you want to see the video you've got to pop over to my FB site until I can find a way to get it on my blog. Sorry....I tried...for days!


Julie K. said…
Hi Lisa.
Did you see my comment under 'My date with my little man?'
Hope you are enjoying the sunshine today!
I will post comments under your most recent posts, so you don't have to go hunting for them....cause I know how much you love when people leave comments....
I am just heading out for a walk, the kids are at HPSC, so I may leave another comment about the 'IF' post at a later date...
And because I am not on Facebook, I am sad to say that I will not be able to view your fantastic videos =(
Lisa said…
Jules, how come I can't view your blog?

I'll go look for the comment you wrote on my date with Zee.

Sorry about the video, you can't imagine how hard I've worked on trying to get it uploaded! It's crazy.

We need to get everyone together for a day at the waterpark!

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