Can I confess something?

I suck at Family Home Evening.

And scripture study...

And prayer...

My excuse?  (...and I do have one)

I have to do it all myself.  My hub's not a member of the church and he works excessively long hours (and THAT's a whole other ranting-raving-cathartic post that I will write one day.  It'll be the one where I lament about the fact that Hub is literally trading his life for his job.   I'll bite my tongue for now on this...). 

Where was I?

Oh yeah, complaining about the absence of the priesthood in my home and the support that comes from having a same faith spouse.  Don't get me wrong, he's extremely supportive of my beliefs but I'm talking about the kind of support that arrives in the form of "Hey honey, it's Monday afternoon...what have you got planned for tonight?"  or "Hey hon, there's a bottle of pop in the fridge and some taquitos in the freezer, why don't we cook them up, drink the pop, don some sombreros and have a family Mexican night?"


There's none of that.

There's a little bit of "Hey honey, I've worn the same underwear for the last two days, do you think you can do some laundry today?" or, "Hey hon, I notice that there's a ton of bread on the counter but nothing to put between it for lunches, do you think maybe you could go grocery shopping and pick up something other than BREAD?" 

Anyway...each Sunday I sit and listen to the counsel to keep the family strong by regular scripture study, morning and evening prayer and Family Home Evening, so this week I finally put it into action and we did:

~ 3 mornings of scripture/devotionals before school
~3 mornings and 3 evenings of family prayer
~1 evening of Family Home Evening.

Can I get a boo-yah?!

The kids loved FHE so much that Zee keeps asking if it's Monday again so we can play a game or do a craft.  I'm so happy.  I know I didn't do 5 for 5 for the weekday but 3 out of 5 is a 60% improvement over last week (check my math on this okay, 'cause I totally suck at numbers)

Just wanted to share with you what we did for FHE.  Our lesson was on the Gospel Standards and also on organization (yeah, I managed to tie the two together in some weird and convoluted way) and for an activity we made clipboards. 

"Wow, clipboards!  That sounds exciting Leese, what are you going to do next week, teach them how to sew their eyeballs shut?"

Just look at the pictures and you'll see how cool it was....

I'd post more pictures but Blogger is having a little hissy fit right now and will not cooperate.  Basically these are just regular MDF clipboards (from the dollar store) with decorative scrapbook paper modge podged over top.  We fancied them up with an initial but next time we might try a little something else.  I thought this would be a great end of the year teacher gift.  You could get all the kids to sign it, adhere a classroom picture, a little pad of Post-it notes or a little piece of corkboard and, voila, a memorable but useful gift!  

Or not.


Stop hassling me!

On a serious note::
 Mia was in my mind and in my heart all day.  I wish I could have visited her but the kids had a day off school and I felt that I owed it to them to stay with them and get some things done that needed doing.  I sure missed getting my 'Mia-dose' and I wonder how I'm going to be able to get along without her when she's gone.  I miss her comments on Facebook--I could always count on her to comment on my photos and be so incredibly complimentary of my artsy-fartsy attempt at photography.  Sometimes she would offer tips but mostly she would just stroke my ego and tell me how super they were.  And my blog...even if she were my only reader, she would have been more than enough.  She always tells me that she loves my posts.  You have no idea what that means to see, Mia is a writer and a journalist.  I can never expect higher praise.  I'm going to miss her sweetness.  I'm going to miss her smile.  I'm going to miss HER!  What will those of us who have known her and loved her all these years going to do?  How will we get along without her?  Mia, you are so loved...I'm sure you know that by now don't you?  God broke the mold when he made you're one in a billion!  Love and hugs to you.


Sandra said…
Great job Lisa! I have to say you are doing much better than me, and my husband is as gung-ho about the church as they come! I know my kids are still young, but it'd be nice to start the habits early.

Love the clipboards! SO cute!
Cindy said…
Lisa, I think I have a new job for you! FHE enrichment activity person! You have awesome and fun ideas! I'm comin' to your house!

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