More on Mia...

Thank you to all of you who have expressed your concern for Mia and who have included her in your prayers.  I was fortunate enough to visit with her again today.  The room was full of friends and family, all laughing and loving, and crying together.  Mia remains a beacon of strength through it all.  I haven't heard her utter one single word of complaint.  What an amazing woman and example she is.   Sadly enough though, the time is short for Mia and she has requested to discontinue her tube feedings.  She is being kept comfortable and her pain is being managed. 

I'm so happy for her that she's having this time to receive her living tribute; that she's able to have a tangible grasp on the extent of the love her family and friends have for her.  Cancer is an indiscriminate and aggressive thief,  but it does have one positive credit to it's name and that is that it sometimes allows the person who is afflicted with it the chance to say goodbye, to express love and receive love in return.  When it comes time for Mia's body to cease it's Earthly mission, she will proceed to her Heavenly mission with the enduring knowledge that she is loved, admired, respected, and honored.  That is a blessing.

Imagine.  Cancer being a blessing. 

Got to find something positive about that thief who robs families of their loved ones.  There's got to be something worthwhile in the suffering right?


Love to you, Mia!! 


Paige said…
just got caught up reading your blog tonight and I am so sorry to hear about your dear friend and the battle she is fighting. She sounds like an amazing woman. I will be praying for her!
Lisa said…
Thanks Paige. I haven't seen you around lately, have you been sick?
Anonymous said…
So beautifully written Lisa... Thank you for updating us on Mia's journey. I'd love to see her again this weekend and I've got a song to dedicate to her. "Angels" from Robbie Williams. I'll play it for her on my blackberry.... it's appropriate and uplifting. Maria

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